Kindergarten is a very fun class if you behave properly. When I was as small as you, I made everybody who took care of me, worried and annoyed. Whenever I did a terrible thing such as hitting a girl on the head with a see-saw, I’d always get in trouble with my teacher and she always had to give me punishments. It was like going to prison, since I always missed my playtime. Although I got a little bit of joy out of my wrong actions, I regret them even now.
When you go to kindergarten, I hope you won’t be as mischievous as me or you will suffer the same consequences. Sometimes, you can be cheeky-funny to attract friends and attention. Be a clever clown, not a nasty person. Since you are my clever son, Bob, you will behave so much better than me.
I hope you make many new friends: unlike me, who has none. My behaviour had led to everybody hating me since I have annoyed them a lot. I should have made my parents life a lot easier by proving to them that I was a good son. Along with that, I just didn’t care about my parent’s frustration and I didn’t realise that my childhood was very important for memories and future behaviour. I am quite lucky to change eventually to my current self now, decently nice and polite, but most people are not as lucky as me.