A book that I recommend is “The Greatest Show on Earth” by Richard Dawkins because it explores how different species develop and evolve. It shows wildlife food chains including humans and is also non-fiction, so it is a good learning source for biology.
Although there is no plot or adventure, there are many interesting pictures to help me understand what it would look like such as a blue-footed bird which raises its foot to impress other birds or the contrast between a chihuahua and the great Dane in which I thought the chihuahua would only be a little smaller than the great Dane but was actually twenty times smaller. There is also information on why there aren’t crocoducks or doggypottamusses in the world which is because the evolution chain is too far apart between crocodiles and ducks and cannot interbreed to create such creature.
Personally, I believe this is a good book because it is entertaining and clever. It interacts with the reader by asking questions and showing pictures to spot given statements in the index. It educates people on wildlife and shares his awe in nature. The main benefits are entertainment and creativity.
As this book is complicated yet interesting, I would recommend it to age 8-16 children who have a hunger to learn about biology because younger ones wouldn’t really understand the words and would look at a couple of pictures in the pages.