Shivering in the ice-cold breeze, two courageous children covered their heads with their hands and fought the wind as they struggled onwards; the other three huddled together under their navy blue umbrella, which was pummelled by raging rain. Furious gusts of wind stung their chubby, peach-red faces without sympathy. The children wished they were at home but their thoughts were interrupted by the howling wind which roared louder and louder as they yelped in fright. The force of the wind was so powerful that the child up front covered their eyes to lessen the stinging pain. They found it especially hard to move because of all the mushy grass below them. Without thought, they all dashed forwards and as far as they could before tripping over into a deep pit. One of the girls demanded, "Get us out of this pit at once!" But nobody would come.
Home longing
Updated: Jan 28, 2024