Gazing at the horizon of the mountain, Tom was sitting at the edge of a cliff, sighing in misery as he kept dreaming about the possibility of turning back in time. “If only if I had a time machine that would take me alllll the way back to the beginning of the summer holiday. I would be full of joy!” Tom wondered.
As he got up from his spot, a glimmering falling object, like a shooting star, came plummeting from the sky right into Tom’s hands. “WHAT a dazzling stopwatch!” exclaimed Tom with his eyes wide open. As he was examining the magnificent object like a spy detective, he, without knowing, tapped a secret button on top of it.
Suddenly, a vibration like an earthquake came from the ground, travelling across from his feet to head, and a hawk, which was after its prey, suspended in a diving position! Tom looked in confusion and soon discovered that time had stopped. When he twiddled the clock-hands in an anti-clockwise direction, the hawk was surfing backward, bottom first! Tom thought, Time to have some fun! Ha…
Scampering home, Tom found his parents frozen with popcorns in their hands and their eyelids were close, as though they were sleeping. Tom’s jaw dropped and let go of the stopwatch which sent it shattering into pieces on the floor. He began to realise how detrimental the situation was. TIME WAS STUCK FOREVER…